Cover Cropping is Almost a Worldwide Movement

Steve: I wish I could have a list of how many people I talk to that said, “You know, Steve, I really like what you’re doing but I can’t do it.” And then you see them three years later and they’re doing it. A large, very large farmer in Indiana, 22000 acres he grew of corn and soybeans and wheat. That’s pretty big. And he was like, “I know I’ve got to grow these cover crops but I got five headers to chase and –” forget what you call green carts here “– the chasers and trucks. I have no one on the farm to do anything but harvest, harvest, any day, any hour it’s fit.” Well, he planted 100 acres of cover crops first year. The next year he planted 1200 acres. And the third year I think it was up to 4000. And the fourth year he was up to 12000. He found the people to do it. He found a way to get it done when he started seeing the benefits. And I had neighbours too, many neighbours, I could tell you they see what I’m doing and they giving me the same thing and before you know it, not all but some of them, they somehow they make it work.

And there is positive peer pressure now. It’s a whole lot better than it was 10 years ago when you just had a guy over here and someone – just so far apart no one even heard about them. Now, you see it in the ag media, and it’s kind of almost a worldwide thing.

This is a clip from “Walk the Talk” with Steve Groff: Cover Cropping filming available for Farming Secrets Members.

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